Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Weather or Not
Dear Hurricane Earl,
Don't even THINK about it....
Bride to Be.
Yes, the blessed event is almost here. Emily and Matt are getting married on Saturday.
We are all praying that Earl goes out to sea. But even if he decides to pay us a visit, he will not dampen our joy.
We are going to celebrate!
Monday, August 30, 2010
School Days
I no longer work at a school, nor am I taking any classes.
A lot of the Facebook chatter tonight is about the start of another school year. I miss the "excitement" in a way, but I sure am glad that I don't have to do homework or study.
There is a somewhat rude awakening with the start of school -- the reduced speed limit in the school zone on our road! If I time it right, I miss it on my way to work. But if I'm running a few minutes late, then 15 miles per hour it is. Safety first.
Best wishes for a great school year!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
"A" Final Ride
In order to accomplish this, he decided to sell his 1931 Model "A" Ford. He hasn't used it much over the past few years, as he takes his Bantam out instead. (Perhaps I can persuade him to write about the Bantam in a guest blogger post.)
Well, after several weeks of sitting out in our front yard with a "For Sale" sign on it, the Model "A" now has a buyer.
The purchaser is coming to get it on Thursday, so Dad gave us one final ride tonight. Dad and Mom sat in the front (Dad driving), and Lew and I climbed into the rumble seat. We had a really nice ride down through Old Orchard and back.
Dad managed to run two "STOP" signs. He kind of knew about the first one, but elected to go through it anyway. The second one, he did not even see. He claims it was because he was distracted by a dog on the other side of the road. (Yes, there was a dog.) However, upon polling all of the passengers in the car, it came out that three of us saw the "STOP" sign. One didn't. You already know who that is.
The car doesn't have blinkers, so the driver has to use hand signals for turning. There are also no seat belts. Maine does have a seat belt law, but apparently antique automobiles are "grandfathered" in this regard.
Lew and Dad decided that the "grandfather" argument can also apply to "STOP" signs. If the sign didn't exist when the car was made, then it doesn't have to stop. "Yes, Mr. Police Officer, I really thought that was the case...."
Fortunately, there were no police officers.
We will miss the Model "A" as it has been in the family for many years. It was originally purchased by my grandfather (he of porcupine fame).
But it is going to a good home. A nice couple is buying it. The husband has always wanted one, and his wife was very supportive of the purchase. They will use the car, which will bring enjoyment to all of the people that see it....
And that's a really good thing.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Oooooh...That Smell....
At one point, I woke up and smelled something funny. At first I thought it smelled like the toaster oven might be burning. (Please keep in mind that I was still in a sleepy haze....)
I got up out of bed and started sniffing around. Lew woke up and asked me what I was doing. I asked him about the smell. He said, "Skunk."
Of course!
I got back into bed and started to wonder about skunks and where they live, and why I have to smell one in the middle of an otherwise lovely night.
I went to work for a few hours this morning, and I saw the skunk.
In the road.
Totally squished.
I would say "Poor Skunk" if I really felt that way.
Friday, August 27, 2010
A Very Productive Day
I did an errand at lunch. It was really, really nice outside today, so it was really, really hard to go back to the office. But I did.
I was quite busy in the evenings during the first part of the week, so my inbox at home was getting a little out of control. Tonight, I finally had a chance to go through the mail and pay some bills.
Lew watched most of the Red Sox game, and I was able to watch the last couple innings with him. I was doing some Sudoku-type puzzles while watching. My puzzle solving became more intense as the game situation became more intense. I was flying through those puzzles by the end! The Red Sox managed to hold on and win.
Work + Errand + Mail + Bills + Puzzles + a Red Sox Win = A Very Productive Day.
And I should add in what Lew accomplished today: He's feeling much better! And he's on vacation!
I'm happy that he's on the mend.
I'm not happy that he has yet another vacation week without me. Stinky!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
No End to His Talent
When our friends were visiting Tuesday night, Lew made a prediction about one of the players in the Little League World Series. This particular player was playing shortstop for the Washington team. He was making plays like a major leaguer. Lew said something like, "He probably can hit home runs, and he's probably their closer." He did hit a home run. And he was brought in as the closer (although his coach took him out after 20 pitches so that he would be eligible to pitch the next night). The question we were all asking is whether this kid will play professional baseball someday. His name is Isaiah Hatch. (Write that down!)
Church Cleaner
Our fellow church-goers take turns cleaning the church. I had signed us up for this week. We decided to go in after work tonight to fulfill our obligation. Lew left work a little early to get a head start on it. I was running a few minutes late, and I got a text message from Lew: "Almost done. You can go home." Shucks.
Package Sender
If you read Dad's post last night, you learned that Kaelen needed some stuff shipped to her. Her Uncle Lew packaged it all up and sent it. I learned today that she received everything successfully. A job well done!
I could write much more about the abilities of my wonderful husband. But I have to save material for future posts!
Poor Lew is suffering from a bad cold right now.
Get well soon, Sweetie!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Dad: Unedited VII
The week in review -- A Retiree's Week!
Since my last post one week ago, I've decided this week to let you in on my exciting week's events. Please remember it doesn't take much for me to consider it exciting.
I got up at 3:15 a.m. on Thursday, August 19th to take granddaughter Kaelen to the airport for a 6:00 a.m. flight to home in Eureka, IL. Kaelen spent the summer here, staying with Uncle Lew and Aunt Tracy for a second summer while working at a local seafood restaurant.
This airport trip was clouded by a rather unusual-in-family gambling event. The gamble: Uncle Lew and Mary Lou had a bet about the possibility of Mary Lou rising to see Kaelen off. Lew said she would be up -- but Mary Lou insisted there wasn't a chance she would arise at that early hour. Suffice it to say, that not only did she get up, she also rode to the airport for Kaelen's departure.
I dropped them off and went to park the car. Upon returning, Grandma had Kaelen working at a kiosk to gather up her boarding passes and all other necessary materials. Since they knew nothing about the operation, a call was made for help. Help arrived and success followed. Kaelen's suitcase weighed in at 48 pounds, two pounds shy of the maximum weight allowed. Over 50 pounds would cost $90 as opposed to $25 for under 50 pounds. It should be noted that the night before Kaelen had to take 15-20 pounds out of the suitcase to make weight. Her trip went well and we were home before lift-off.
Lew took all excess materials to his place of business and sent them to Eureka in a big brown truck. "What can brown do for you?"
One month earlier we had set up a hair appointment for 8:00 a.m. At the time we did not know we would be up for the airport. We made our hair appointment and returned home for a relaxing day.
Mary Lou got home and did a couple washes before hibernating for two days. It is not good to get old! Of course I spent the day sitting and snoozing on the couch.
The next day I took my model "A" roadster for a drive through Old Orchard and Saco to refuel the machine. It is the first time I have driven it on the road for a few years, even though it is always licensed and insured. Have you noticed how the older one gets the less time you tend to spend on hobbies, etc.?
I managed to walk to Ken's Place (a seafood restaurant) for fried clams and baked haddock one day. I ate the clams and the haddock was for Mary Lou. I kinda' went off my diet as I needed some real food not related to the leafy junk. I ate every single clam. They were tasty.
A couple days were spent doing a thorough cleaning of our apartment and exchanging a TV box at Time Warner Cable.
Up until today the rest of my time was spent taking trips to the store and watching the fine baseball team from Boston. In fact, I'm sitting here now watching a game in the rain. If all goes well, I'll watch another one tonight (a day-night doubleheader).
Who says that retirement and old age isn't exciting? How much more excitement could one take?
Two unresolved issues: Mary Lou paid her gambling debt of $20. Uncle Lew returned the money insisting it should be more because she not only got up, but went to the airport.
The other unresolved issue is my eating habits: As promised, I'll keep you up-to-date every now and then on my progress. To date I have lost about 13 pounds. I'm not "Greek god" status yet, but in the future I can see it coming!
Bye. Storytime next week! -- Derf
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Social Butterflies
Our fancy dinner out was "Pie & Fry" down at Old Orchard Beach. Yum!
Then we came back to our house for varied desserts of pie, cake, and ice cream.
The Red Sox were rained out, so we watched the Little League World Series game between Washington and Connecticut. We were rooting for our fellow New Englanders, but they got beat. It was still a fun game to watch.
So, another late night for us. Our social calendar has been keeping us quite busy....We are not known for being socialites, but we do surprise ourselves sometimes!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Out Late: Musings
My computer-geek skills have improved over the past few weeks, as I finally figured out how to send e-mails from my cell phone. (I was receiving e-mails OK, but I had the wrong setting in order to be able to send.)
The wonderful blogger people have a mechanism by which I can e-mail my entry to my blog. And it will post it immediately! Isn't modern technology something?!
My Aunt Debbie and a couple of her friends all bought Miche bags today. My cousin Kathy purchased one as well when she was here a few weeks ago. I am a bad influence! Ha ha! Or maybe I've missed my calling....
It rained most of the day. We've really had a nice summer, though, weather-wise.
Enough babbling for now. G'nite from the road!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Our 9-Year-Old Nephew's I.O.U.
Uncle Lew has mentioned this event several times since then, mostly in good-natured kidding with nephew Zack.
As you know from yesterday's post, Lew just celebrated his birthday. And one of his best presents??? A gift from Zack....a piece of blueberry pie!!!
Zack, your debt has been paid. (Now we just need to keep your Uncle Lew from demanding interest!)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Happy Birthday to My Sweetie!
Happy Birthday to Lew...
Happy Birthday, dear Lew-ie...
Happy Birthday to Lew!
We went out for breakfast this morning. We didn't go to our regular place, as we had to be home by a certain time. We went to a place closer to where we live. The food was really good, but we missed seeing our friends and our delightful waitress.
An annual motorcycle ride that goes by our home every year was scheduled for today. And we were waiting for it! Mom, Dad, Lew, and I waved to them all as they drove by the house, and most of them waved back. Lew counted 241 motorcycles.
Lew sold his exercise equipment today. Hooray! Now we can order the new equipment that he and I both want.
Lew and I rode over to visit his mother and brother for dinner. I ate an entire small Hawaiian pizza all by myself. And then I had a big piece of birthday cake....We better get that exercise machine ordered soon!
Lew's Facebook status for today, his birthday:
"As of today, I'm eligible to collect Social Security........imagine that!"
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!
Friday, August 20, 2010
An Unfinished Activity
I Know I'm Efficient.
Tell me I'm Beautiful.
It took me seven years to finish it.
(I hope the irony is not lost on my readers!)
Today I came across a jigsaw puzzle that I had started almost two and a half years ago. I had rolled it up in one of those "puzzle savers" when I needed to be able to use the dining room table for its intended purpose (as a dining room table). The puzzle had not seen the light of day since then.
I almost put it back in its box, but then I decided that I should finish it. It's one of those photo-mosaic puzzles, so it ain't easy! I'd already completed a good chunk.
I'm hoping that my mother will help me. I'm also hoping that my father doesn't steal a piece. (He likes to do that and put the piece in at the end and say, "I finished the puzzle.")
The completed puzzle will be a portrait of Marilyn Monroe. I enjoy her movies -- the funny ones, anyway. My favorite is, "Some Like it Hot." If you haven't seen it, then rent and watch it immediately!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Our 4:00 a.m. Visitor
Lew woke up around the time they left (or shortly after), and he noticed something at the top of the stairs. At first Lew thought that Kaelen had forgotten something. But when the "something" moved, Lew realized what it was.
For a brief time this morning, Kaelen and my mother had left the doors open that go between my parents' side of the house and our side. A certain kitty took advantage of this.
So, shortly after 4:00 this morning, Lew picked Pepper up and carried her back to the other side of the house.
She purred!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dad: Unedited VI
To say that we (my sisters Jean and Deb, and I) grew up in a "normal" home would probably be accurate.
However, our father was a rather unique individual that did things his own way and was a "yankee trader." Future blogs will have much more to say about our dad and his love of life.
Sunday's Portland paper (Telegram) usually has one page which features beautiful pictures sent in by readers featuring outdoor shots of landscapes and animals. This past week one reader sent in a photo of a porcupine in her yard. This picture triggered a memory of Dad and the Porcupine.
My dad owned a store in Sanford, Maine that was truly a general store. He sold paint, hardware, tools, toys, beef, fish, and a complete line of groceries and produce. At one time he was affiliated with IGA but later liked to call his store "Gowen's Master Market" with the slogan of "if it sells, we have it." The store was my sanctuary growing up as a I spent much time there (hanging out and working?).
Back to the porcupine. One day a lady ran in the store saying, "Mr. Gowen, Mr. Gowen, there is a porcupine walking on the sidewalk on the other side of Main Street." (Main Street was the location of the store.) This prompted Dad into action. He left the store, grabbing a baseball bat from a barrel of bats on his exit. He headed toward the beast. The beast never had a chance. It only took a moment. He quickly took the life out of the porcupine. The neighborhood and its children were saved.
The local paper (Sanford Tribune) learned of the death and arrived to report the incident. A picture was taken. The paper featured the picture with Dad holding the bat in one hand and the lifeless porcupine hanging from the other. The story accompanied the picture and a local hero was born.
I still have an original Tribune with the picture of the hunter and his prey. Several months ago I received a copy of this photo from a cousin (Vernor) in Oregon on our computer (e-mail). Vernor's dad (Vernor Sr.) was my father's brother who worked for my dad in the store until leaving for Arizona about 60 years ago.
In today's world, with the SPCA, my dad would probably have been fined and/or incarcerated for a short time or received a suspended sentence. Probably better to have animal control take care of such problems. However, back in the day, the situation was taken care of expediently and the area was safe.
Good job, Dad!!
More situations to follow!
Stay tuned! -- Derf.
(Postscript: Tracy here. After typing in the above for my father, I had to add the following to today's post!)
![]() |
Grandpa and the porcupine. |
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
About mid-afternoon I started to feel much better, and I think it will be all systems "go" for tomorrow.
When I was feeling icky this morning, I thought of the movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back." I've never seen it, but I always thought the title to be quite catchy. And I asked myself, "What is my groove, and what if I don't want it back?" Ha ha!
But as I said, I'm feeling much better now.
Thank you for following the travails of Mainely Tracy!
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Eyes Have It
Mostly my right eye was bothered, but it's feeling much better after a day of rest.
Hopefully back to work tomorrow.
Short post -- still not feeling like sitting in front of the computer.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Need a Diversion
Headache this afternoon and tonight.
Lew and I did take a walk early evening. It was nice to be outside, but headache lingered.
Trying to take my mind off of it. Hard to do, though, as both my mind and my ache are both in my head.
I think a good night's sleep will be the best diversion.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Grammy's Dress -- Check!
We left Grammy's house at 10:30 a.m. and I had her home by 1:00 p.m., with all tasks completed! Now that's what I call efficient shopping.
Lew went from the Mall directly to the golf course. Matt's bachelor party was today, and it consisted of golfing and then dinner at the best man's house.
After I dropped off Grammy, I did some errands (which included the dreaded grocery shopping) and then came home to do laundry. But laundry is one of those chores that lends itself to other activities...such as reading. And that's what I did!
It was a nice Saturday. :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
What I Did (Instead of My Blog)
Thinking that it may help me come up with something, I got up from the computer and wandered around a bit....
Pepper was over on our side of the house, so I said "Hi" to her and she jumped up on my bed. Then she stared at me.
I remembered that I wanted to run the dishwasher, so I went downstairs and got it started.
I do not like having long fingernails, so I clipped and filed them. I am much happier about that now.
I heard Lew say, "Hello, Kitty," which meant that Pepper had gone downstairs. She was ready for "night-night," so I took her back over to my parents' side of the house. She had her "night-night" goodies, after which I picked her up and put her on my parents' bed. (This cat is not spoiled at all!)
And after all that, I still have no idea what to write about.
I think I'll go make a dent in the novel I've been reading.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I am not a superstitious person, although I do enjoy the occasional "fun" in doing exactly the same thing in the same order if my baseball team is winning (which they did not do today).
I know that there is a movie named "Friday the 13th" -- I have no idea how many sequels there have been. I may have seen the original movie a bazillion years ago, but I really don't enjoy those types of movies now. (Are those the movies with Jason? I don't think it's Freddie, because isn't he the Elm Street guy? Do I really even care??)
If you are still scratching your head about the title of my post today, I am excited to inform you that "triskaidekaphobia" is "the fear of the number 13."
The number 13 is often avoided -- not many athletes wear this number. I also remember that the motel my parents used to operate didn't have a room #13. Just skipped right over it.
I'm not sure how the number 13 got it's poor reputation. But I am going to suggest a theory:
Children become teenagers when they turn 13 years of age. And that sure is scary!
(Postscript: I had just finished writing the above when I "encountered an error" on the Internet and it kicked me off. My first thought was, "Oh no! Bad luck! And it's only the 12th!" But when I signed back in, there was my entire draft, except for one small edit that I had just made. LOL!)
(Post-postscript: Happy Friday the 13th!)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Dad: Unedited V
I just returned home from dropping Josh off for football practice. I have trouble believing Josh is now in the 7th grade. He is now participating in his first school-sponsored activity. It is his second day and he said he still is sore from yesterday. Play hard, Josh, and we'll see you at game time.
The day after my last blog I met with my doctor for a 6-month checkup. I am under the assumption that insurance companies require everyone to meet with their doctor twice a year in order to obtain prescriptions. So I comply.
My doctor fabricates bamboo fishing poles, so I always ask him about his latest creation. He told me of a fishing pole he made for an auction at Maine Medical Center for the Barbara Bush Wing. The Bush area is for children and does remarkable things for all the kids and their parents. I was quite happy to hear that the fishing pole brought in the highest bid at the auction. The bidding probably was so intense because the pole was signed by George H.W. and Barbara as well as George W. and Laura. I wouldn't mind having that myself as I have great respect for the family. Several years ago, Doc made a visit to the senior Bushes at Kennebunkport with a gift of a fishing pole. His visit was very successful and rewarding as he was welcomed by President & Mrs. Bush.
After discussing several other topics we got to my weigh-in. It seems that I'm not at my maximum weight (300) but have gained some back from my reduction to 283 lbs. It was then we (I) agreed to seriously think about losing weight for various reasons. Losing weight will lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, but most importantly get me back to the "Greek god" status. I probably will never get that low again. I would need to lose 100 lbs. to get back to my married weight of 50 years ago. Fifty pounds would be good. Good grief!!
So for almost one week I have been very careful to eat the meats, veggies, and cheeses as suggested by my doctor. My blood sugar level needs lowering, so I am determined to succeed in the loss.
I have now become a fan of salads and meat with no buns. I have always used the theory that if it is good for you, don't eat it. If it is not good for you, eat it. My world is now upside-down.
I'll keep you all posted with a brief blip every now and then.
It has been a good week for Pepper as she continues to be "queen" of the house.
Hope to see you next time. Toodle pip!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My Hip Husband
My bill was a couple dollars more than usual. When I looked at the detail, I saw that it was because Lew had gone over his text message limit. (We currently do not pay for unlimited texting, as we have no teenagers on our plan....)
Lew didn't go over by much, but I still teased him about it.
His response had something to do with being "hip."
Good one! Ha ha!
Monday, August 9, 2010
A Word of Advice
After vacationing for a week, the first day back at work will be even longer than the days preceding the vacation. So be sure to have lots of chocolate at work with you. I did not do that today. (Yawn...)
Also, when you fall behind on your personal correspondence by a week, well....it may take a week to get caught up.
As for all that vacation relaxation -- it was really, really nice! I'm already looking forward to my next vacation a year from now.......
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Vacation Day 9 (The End)
Despite the fact that it has to end, my vacation really was great. My favorite part was being able to spend the week with my husband. (Smile...!)
We went to church this morning. And it was yet another "Beach and Bacon" day!
I will close out my vacation postings with a list of some things I did not do on my vacation:
1) Attend Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
2) Go to Spain with Michelle Obama.
3) Have lunch with Sarah Palin.
4) Read "War and Peace."
5) Sit on the beach!
(Postscript: We do prefer walking on the beach. And "War and Peace" is on my Kindle, so I will muddle my way through it at some point. I had no interest in #1 and #2, so I took no offense at the lack of invitation. As for #3...Hey Sarah, call me!!)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Vacation Day 8
We didn't go for a beach walk today, but we did go out to breakfast. Lew has eaten bacon every day of our vacation except Thursday -- and that was only because Tony's Donuts doesn't serve it.
Matt and Emily were having a yard sale today, so we stopped by. I saw Emily's cat, Karma, when I went inside the house. Karma is not known for friendliness, so I was surprised when he just sat and looked at me without running away. But then I tried to take his picture:
A Cat in Motion |
This afternoon I did some reading. And I got a phone call from Suzy! It was so wonderful to hear my dear friend's voice.
I also did laundry and watched as much of the Red Sox/Yankees game that I could stand. Boo hoo.
One more day and it's back to work. I'm focusing on the "one more day" part!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Vacation Day 7
Beach walk. Went in the opposite direction than we had been earlier in the week. Tide was out, so we could walk out on the sand bar. Very interesting to see -- looked like people were walking on water.
Lew played golf. I did a quick (shopping!) errand, and then read a bit when I got home.
After Lew's golf game, we went out to dinner. Ate too much.
Just realized that I didn't take a photo today! So, here's one that Lew took of me at the Sea Dogs game the other night. Seats look empty because this was about an hour before game time. Seats were full later!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Vacation Days 5 & 6
![]() |
Denver is in the red shirt. |

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Dad: Unedited IV
Baseball was over -- or so we thought, as Josh's team went 3-2 in a double elimination tournament with a 4th place finish out of 11 teams.
We were wrong!
Nick (Zack's best friend) was on a team coached by his dad (Lonny). The team's regular season ended with a shortage of players. Lonny recruited Zack for the playoffs.
Off we go again for 4 games.
After watching the completion of the last league game (one inning only), we were ready for the tourney. It looked good for 3 innings as Zack's team was ahead 8-0. A severe slide in momentum appeared and they lost in the last inning (9-8, I believe)! Friday was over and we looked forward to Saturday.
Saturday at noon we travelled to Wells and we won (called by time after 4 innings). This game had an occurrence that I have never seen in a ballgame. I've seen thousands of games as spectator and umpire. I probably have umpired close to 1,000 games from little league through college for about 30 years. Here is the play: Scarborough was in the field and the opponents were at bat. The count on the hitter was 3-2. The batter felt nature calling. He called "time" (I think) and dropped his bat. He proceeded to run from the park and continued running to the Porta-Potty about 400-500 feet away. The officials finally decided to call the kid "out" and play resumed (about 5 minutes elapsed). Everybody had a chuckle!
Next game was at 6 o'clock so some stayed around and I went home. I went back for the night game with Mary Lou, Tracy, and Lew. We ate well at the snack shop but the team didn't fare as well. Disaster struck as the game was lost (really lost).
Sunday noon was the last game and another loss. Finally baseball is over (except for watching the Red Sox). Today I saw a left-handed 2nd baseman and a left-handed catcher. Not a common sight!
Speaking of the Red Sox, Josh attended the Red Sox - Detroit game on Sunday, August 1st. Papelbon blew a save but got the win. (Strange.)
Last night Lew and Tracy took Josh and Zack to the Sea Dogs' game. A real pitchers's duel as mentioned in Tracy's blog last night (Sea Dogs won 14-8).
One last note: I'm not learning enough to start my own blog by September so I'll continue to be a guest blogger until I become more familiar with the technology of computers.
By the way, Pepper is very happy and has been seen throughout the house (both sides) as Cocoa is back in Illinois. We miss Cocoa, but enjoy seeing Pepper.
I'm not happy with my creation tonight -- will try to pick it up next time.
Until then -- Bye!!
P.S. The turkeys were back last Monday and today at 4:55 p.m. Tomorrow I'll get some cracked corn for them. Happy days are here again!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Vacation Day 4
Did some shopping. Lew bought a fanny pack for our beach walks. When we were at the checkout, the girl at the register asked if we wanted to purchase the protection plan (good for 1 year). On a fanny pack? We laughed for quite a while about that one.
I had another Miche Bag binge. Lew is looking for a 12-step program for me. Ha Ha!
Then...another beach walk!
More reading.
I watched a movie.
Tonight we went to see the Portland Sea Dogs play. They won 14-8. (A real pitcher's duel!) Josh and Zack went with us. A good time was had by all.
Today's Photo: "Who let the Dogs out?!"
Monday, August 2, 2010
Vacation Day 3
I actually took this picture yesterday. But since we did walk on the beach today, I figured I could still post it.
It's a self-portrait, which I have titled "Shadow in the Sand."
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Vacation Day 2
Beach walk.
Lew took motorcycle ride to his mom's while I stayed home to read and do laundry.
Some good friends that we hadn't seen in a while stopped by for a really wonderful visit.
More relaxing and more reading.
I marvel at God's creation. Lee Ann Womack sings a wonderful song called "I Hope You Dance." My favorite line from that song is the perfect caption for today's vacation photo:
"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean...."