My mother has always had a fear of dust mites. This is a fear that she did not pass on to me. I do the dusting only when I can't stand it anymore. Lew dusts off the TV screen more often, as he deems it the most important item in the living room. But for the most part, he and I both have a fairly high tolerance for dust.
Lew does take more of an interest in the floors. And I tell him to have at it.
We have a double vanity in our bathroom. Lew enjoys telling people that my side is dirtier than his. He almost always ends up cleaning it for me. My excuse is that I usually am not wearing my glasses when I'm at the sink. Therefore, I can not see that things need to be cleaned. This is indeed a convenient case of "Ignorance is bliss." A similar story can be told regarding the shower.
If making dinner consists of more than heating something up in the microwave, Lew usually does it. I do not cook.
Lest you think that I am completely useless around the house, please know that I do have a strong distaste for clutter. I like things to be in their place.
I am usually in charge of the laundry and the dishes....OK, only the dishes that go in the dishwasher. Lew does the hand washing. (Hey, I'm not that crazy!)
I also take care of the mail, pay the bills, balance the checkbook, keep our schedules straight, file our paperwork, and do most of the other tasks that require organization.
I just got the "dinner in two minutes" call from Lew.
Life is good.
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