Monday, January 27, 2025

The Second Chance Puzzle

Late last week I did a jigsaw puzzle with a New England theme. This first picture is of the "completed" puzzle.

Did you notice anything? Hint: A piece is missing! Can you find it?

The story continues....

Somehow I had two of this same puzzle, both previously owned. I got one from a lady I know from work, and I'm guessing the other was Debbie's at some point.

I had the brilliant idea of looking for the missing piece in the "second" puzzle, but it turns out I wasn't so brilliant. The two puzzles were not cut exactly the same!  Who knew?! So I couldn't cheat by merely substituting the missing piece from the second puzzle.

I was going to let it go, but I couldn't stand not knowing if the second puzzle had all of its pieces. So yesterday I put it together while watching the NFL conference championship games. Because I was already familiar with the puzzle, it went together pretty quickly.

Below is a picture of the second puzzle. Success! All pieces accounted for!

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