Sunday, September 29, 2024


I've tried to type this post three times, and I'm not sure what to say. Hurricane Helene has done major damage. Loss of life currently is reported to be 84. That number will probably increase.

I have subscribed to WORLD Magazine for many years. Their headquarters is in Asheville, NC, a town that has been devastated by the hurricane. Both of WORLD's buildings have had several feet of flooding. I'm praying that all of their local staff is okay.

So I guess this is what I ultimately should say in this post: Please pray for everyone affected by this storm. Pray for the emergency responders who will be busy in the days ahead. May God grant His peace and comfort to all.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dad 733: The Right Way

(Dad writes today! I also am hoping for things to go the right way on 11/5/2024. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here!

Fall is here. Temps are now down to the 70s and 60s. We are stretching to reach the 70s. (A few days are over 70 degrees. Not many, though!) The leaves are changing colors, even in the Southern Maine area. More color is showing Downeast and up north. Let's accept the fact that "Winter is coming!" I certainly am not ready for winter, but my vote doesn't count. It will arrive in spite of my "not in a hurry" attitude. Bring it on!

Well, I'm still watching the news coverage of the two attempts on Trump's life. I believe God has spared his life so he can help straighten out this country's direction. Let's hope so.

Only six weeks until November 5th. Hope it goes the right way.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Fall Cleaning

For the longest time I have been promising Lew that I would declutter the back room upstairs. This is the room that contains our exercise equipment, a daybed, a long table, some bookshelves, and the pooperia (also known as the kitty litter box area). And it has a lot of extraneous clutter.

I started the declutter project in May — a la "Spring Cleaning" — but I just got back to it this past week.... Efficiency is my middle name, ha ha!

I am not finished yet, but the results are noticeable. It is amazing what can be accomplished in just a few minutes each day.

Happy Fall!


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dad 732: The November Vote

(Dad writes today. I agree with his viewpoint! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! I think this will be the last day this year that may hit 80°. We have had a great run of weather the last few weeks. Sunny days with high temps and no clouds – just a clear sky. Fall is in our future. And then winter.
Well, I've been watching all the news about people wanting to rid the earth of President Trump. I can't believe the vote will be close this fall. Why vote for someone who has no idea how to change things, when we have someone who previously succeeded in running the country for four years with good results? November can't come fast enough!
Heard a pastor this past weekend telling his flock to vote for someone promoting biblical views. Vote for a person supporting abortion and you are just as guilty for destroying human life as that candidate is. God will make the decisions.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Praying for USA

The song "God Bless America" by Irving Berlin provides a good start when offering a prayer for our country:
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home

As our friends at World Watch say, "Remember, whatever the news, the purpose of the Lord will stand."

Thankful that God is sovereign. Always.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dad 731: Reflection

(Dad writes today.  ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another fall/summer day here in the Northeast. We can feel what is in store for us in the near future. Before long the temps will be below freezing and snow will be flying. Oh, joy!

Today is a day of reflection. It is the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 attack on our country. I watched the morning coverage of the four planes that attacked the  World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. What a day. And to think this 23rd anniversary is the day after the "debate."

Debate wasn't great — kind of a draw. VP did do better than I expected, but she didn't answer the questions asked although she has big plans. Don't have any idea how she will accomplish all she has on her plate. Don't believe she will get a chance. (I hope not!) I will be glad when the vote is over in November.

Done for today.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hungry After Church

This morning's church service ended and Lew said, "I'm hungry." I agreed.

What to do for lunch?  Lew made a decision....

Ice cream from the Dairy Corner.

Good idea, Lew!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Dad 730: Blue Skies

(Dad writes today. I had to go to work, so I told him to keep it short. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! The Northeast is now enjoying a very nice weather phase. We have very few clouds in the sky and the blue skies are appreciated for almost the whole week. Very nice! Maye some rain in four days.

Just learned of a Georgia high school shooting. Will learn more in a few hours. So glad I'm done with my school time. Probably would have been in jail if we had more encounters with shootings while I was in charge. Don't envy today's workers.

Done for today. Short enough, Editor? I tried.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, September 1, 2024

FREE - Please Leave Sign

Early this summer our friend Donna asked if she could have a yard sale at our house on Labor Day weekend.

She and Carole (Donna's mom) brought things to store in our garage over the past few weeks.

Yesterday was the big day. Lew and I had a few things in the sale, but it was mostly Donna's and Carole's stuff.  The items left at the end of the day got taken to Goodwill or put on the side of the road for free. (Lew has a "Free" sign that he puts in the ground. Please see title of this post for his instructions, LOL!)

When we got home from church today, Lew and I put the remaining free stuff on the side of the road again. I am happy to report that by 5:30pm everything was gone! That includes a headboard, a table, three boxes of books, and various other sundries. Hooray!

We really do have a good location for getting rid of stuff!

P.S. Lew's sign did not get taken. The ability to read is alive and well.
