I have been very poor at blogging this year. 2019 started with Dad (a.k.a. Derf) just home from the hospital, with Lew and I assisting with the medicine pump during January. Then I left my job in February, spent March looking for a new one, and started my current job in April. Then summer happened... and now here we are.
I hope to do better at blogging for the rest of the year. I thank my readers that have persevered through this drought. Fortunately my father was consistent with his posts, so that kept the blog from being a total bust!
Four things to wrap up August:
1) My sister Kim's birthday was this past Thursday (the 29th). I won't say how old she is, but the digits are the same. (If you must know, then think about how many fingers are on one hand... and yes, include the thumb!) Happy Birthday, Kim!
2) Last night was the first U.Maine football game of the season. Zack is a redshirt this year, but he does jersey up and stand on the sidelines. The game was streamed online via FloSports, so we subscribed to the service. (Several of the games will be available to watch this way.) U.Maine won 42-14, and we saw Zack several times on the screen. Mom, Dad, Lew, and I enjoyed watching. Go, Black Bears!
3) Last weekend Lew and I went for a walk with Ellen and Paul and their dog, Lucy. Because of Lucy, we met some people on our walk that we otherwise would have just exchanged nods with. Dogs want to meet each other, so their "people" end up meeting each other, too. It's good to meet neighbors, and we probably should make more of an effort to do so... a good lesson learned from a sweet pup. Thank you, Lucy!
4) When we had the entire family over for a cookout a few weeks ago (click HERE to see what night I mean), Lew introduced some water balloons as the evening progressed. I believe the intent was for the adults to throw the balloons at the children, but it ended up with adults throwing entire buckets of water at other adults. The highlight was when Zachariah was coming after Debbie. Kim and I saw what was about to happen and made a mad dash to run inside the house. Debbie was right behind us. Kim flung the door open, I followed her in, and then I felt water on my right leg. Let's just say Debbie got far wetter than I did. Much, much wetter. But Kim and I eventually got what was coming to us: Lew and I went to an outdoor wedding that same weekend, and it rained hard right during the ceremony (and only then); the next Friday, Lew and Kim went to get ice cream for us at Bayley's and got caught in an unexpected downpour. Did you notice who was with both Kim and I? Lew, who started everything with the water balloons. Poetic justice, Lew, poetic justice!
P.S. Regarding #4. I later asked Emily if she witnessed Kim, Debbie, and I trying to make it into the house. She said, "Yes." I then asked her if it looked as hysterical as it felt. "Yes, ha ha!"
P.S. Regarding #3. Lucy!