Tuesday, June 6, 2017


I know this has been mentioned many times on this blog before, but....

The weather has been unseasonably cold. And damp. And depressing.

It's raining as I write this. The temperature is 52 degrees.

I came home from work early yesterday and crawled into bed. I was feeling lousy. My boss even said I looked lousy; she meant it with great concern and affection.

I didn't sleep well at all last night so I didn't go to work until noon. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I'm on the mend.

A couple of my colleagues were ill today, too.

Everyone is blaming the illnesses on the weather. (I think they are right.)

We are expecting a vast improvement tomorrow according to the meteorologists. (I hope they are right.)

I want to end this post on a high note, so here is a picture of a pizza.

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