Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dad 357: Right Eye

(Will Dad's right eye get really big? Ha ha! Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a week of non-enjoyable weather of some sun, some showers, and a lot of clouds.
Well, we have managed to take care of Spouse (Mary Lou) for one week at home so far. One additional issue we now have is she has suffered a back problem. We are trying pain meds and Icy Hots. Doesn't seem to be working really great. Hoping that her in-home therapy workers can help this improve. Quite busy with in-home help and nurse's visits. Thankful for that. Keep her in your prayers.
Now a brief story about my right eye. Daughter Deb was here earlier this week. She looked at my eye and said it looks like conjunctivitis. Tried to get over-the-counter meds from pharmacist. Was told to call and see my doctor. Called my eye doctor last night and saw his coworker today. No name given, but will be on steroid drops and will see my doctor on Monday. My eye seems the best today than it's been in the past week.
Just spent the last hour online watching grandson Josh off from Maine Maritime Academy on the "State of Maine" training ship for 90 days. Will take in Europe among its ports.
Enough for now, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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