Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Dad 323: Sports Roundup

(I have an ice cream treat waiting for me! Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Another cloud-filled day that is supposed to have some rain before tomorrow. We'll see!

Well, the pro football season has started with a lot of close games and some upsets. We, who root for the Patriots, were quite pleased that they were able to win over a very strong Arizona squad. Three more home games and then Brady returns after a suspension, even though not found guilty of any activity.

Zack's team got beat by a very strong Bonny Eagle team. A few mistakes were made that, if not made, might have changed the results.

The Red Sox are doing well. They must continue to win as they are in a close race with three weeks to go. Our fingers are crossed. Go, Sox!

Sister Deb is safely back in her Florida home. Already been to the restaurant for ribs. They are good.

Tune in next week for more uninteresting news.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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