Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lew's Logbook: iPhone Camera

(Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

I have an iPhone but do not know how to use half the functions. (Tracy has an iPhone so I have an iPhone.) The texting feature is great and I use it with Tracy, family and friends. It is very handy to convey messages that can be read at the recipient’s convenience.

But the feature I like the best is the camera. It is so nice to be able to grab pictures at the spur of the moment. I’m old enough to really appreciate this. Back in the day you not only needed a camera but you also needed to have film. A lot of pictures went untaken. Now I can snap a picture of the grandkids or a lovely piece of nature at anytime.

Tracy and I went for an early morning walk one morning and I took this picture. Technology can be very cool.

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