Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Cows Came Home

I had so much laundry to do today, I said to myself, "I'll be doing this until the cows come home."

I don't have any cows, but I did finally finish the laundry.

I believe that the previous two weekends were responsible for this week's massive laundry chore.  Two weekends ago -- the weekend of the wedding -- I pretty much did the bare minimum.  And that's what I did last weekend, too.

But, I realized that I had to catch up sometime.  Today was the day.   And, I feel good!  I knew that I would!  (Song cue!)

(Postscript:  Yes, it was a good day.  Church this morning, lunch out with my parents, and Lew made a delicious apple pie this afternoon!  One blemish on the day....the

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