Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Short-Term Update

The paperwork all worked out and Dad went to the short-term stay unit this afternoon!

Monday, August 21, 2023

A Birthday and a Monday Update

Happy Birthday to my husband, Lew! It's a milestone year for him. (Hint: Three quarters!)

As long as all the insurance paperwork goes through as expected, Dad will be transferred from the hospital to rehab tomorrow. He needs to have a short-term stay since he isn't allowed to put weight on his left foot yet. We are expecting him to be in rehab at the same facility where Mom is in long-term care, so that will be handy... one-stop visiting!

Lew and I are still keeping up with the Little League World Series even though the team from Maine is out of contention. We always enjoy this Series, even if Maine isn't represented. It's fun to watch the kids play.

Check back tomorrow for another update!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thursday Update

Lew spoke with Dad mid-afternoon. No updates. His surgeon is scheduled to see him tomorrow morning, so perhaps we'll find out more then. She is going to change the dressing on his foot.**

The team from Maine got run-ruled in their first game today at the Little League World Series, so they are now in the loser's bracket. Hopefully their next game will go a little better... make that, a LOT better. Still, they did great to make it to Williamsport. A lifetime memory for them!

** An update to the above: Dad's surgeon stopped in to see him late-afternoon today and changed the dressing. She called me and said the foot is looking good! She probably won't change the dressing again until Monday. The final results aren't back from all the tests yet, so he will probably be in the hospital over the weekend.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday Update

Dad is still in the hospital, so fans of Derf will have to wait patiently for his next post.

His surgery went well yesterday. The surgeon called me to say she cleaned up all the messy stuff and took more bone, which she sent for testing. (No results yet.)

In the meantime, Dad needs to stay off his foot and let the hospital staff take care of him. Lew and I visited him this afternoon, and he is cooperating. The staff loves him. When we left he was in bed watching the Little League World Series (which started today). 

Praying for a good healing process!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Update

Well, the MRI showed that the infection is in the bone, so Dad gets to have surgery tomorrow to remove a little bit more of the top of his foot.  Sounds like a lot of fun.

Prayers welcome!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday Summary

Lew and I have visited Dad and talked with him on the phone over the past few days. He is still in the hospital and seems to be doing well. He especially enjoys ordering his meals -- room service! -- and has a good rapport with the staff. The big "wait and see" at the moment is an MRI; it's been ordered but may not happen for another day or two. The MRI is to see if the infection has gone into the bone in his foot, and we are praying that it has not.

My employer gave me a nice raise in my hourly rate of pay. I certainly welcome that. 😀

Maine will be represented in the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA! The team from Gray-New Gloucester/Raymond won the New England Regional tournament. The entire state is looking forward to watching them in the World Series.

I've had some nice visits with Mom. The room change has been hard on her, but she's slowly getting used to the new space. I do think that watching some familiar TV shows has helped, believe it or not! We've also done the puzzles she likes.

I have a big old scratch on my right index finger courtesy of Jerry. It's time to trim his claws! 😼

A week ago today Lew and I attended a get-together at Carole's house. Dick would have turned 75 last Saturday, so Carole invited family and friends to a celebration of his life — complete with cake! We will miss him always.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Back to the Blog

I took a little bloggy-break this past week.  It was busy with family, friends, and work, so I thought the blog could take a break. And it could!

Wednesday is normally Dad's day to write, but he is back in the hospital. He had a follow-up appointment with his surgeon yesterday, and she told him to go the hospital and get admitted. He needs to be on stronger antibiotics (the kind only done by I.V.) to take care of the infection in his foot. We are not sure how long he will be in the hospital, but we should know more on Friday when the medical team looks at his foot again.

Kim, Joe, Kaelen, and Cocoa left for Illinois on Monday morning. We received a text message from Kaelen this afternoon that they had arrived home safely. We had a nice visit with them, and it seemed to fly by.

I think I'll wrap up this post. I will try to write more often!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Dad 680: Don't Walk This Way

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another nice day with temps around 70 degrees. Don't need A/C today. Open the windows!

Yesterday I saw my foot doctor after a one-week interval. I had not been behaving throughout the week. I did too much walking around on my foot. So I'm paying for it now.  The dressing on my foot needs to be changed daily; Lew is helping with that and changed it today. Also, I have been put on a 10-day antibiotic to get rid of the infection in my red foot. It seemed to be working today; the foot looks better. But if it doesn't work, I might have to go to the E.R. I'm trying to be good and not walking so much. I'll keep you posted.

Zach, Kelsey, Bode, and the new star Boston left for their home in Illinois yesterday. Should be back soon as they made Cleveland yesterday. Joe, Kim, and Kaelen will be hitting the road on Monday. That will also be my sister Deb's birthday. I won't tell her age, but she is younger than I am.

Enough info for today, so I'm done.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, August 1, 2023


The first day of August, 2023. My new boss started today. (Had I shared previously that my prior boss left at the end of June?) Now they just need to hire a replacement for my co-worker that finished up last week. I'm busy!

Dad had another follow-up appointment with his foot surgeon today. He's back on stronger antibiotics to fight off the infection. He still needs to stay off his feet as much as possible.

Kelsey, Zach, Bode, and Boston left for Illinois today. It was nice to be able to see them while they were here.  Kim, Joe, Kaelen, and Cocoa are in Maine until next Monday.

Here's wishing all my readers a pleasant month of August!