Sunday, October 13, 2024


After four days of feeling miserable — sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc. — I started noticing some improvement today. So after several days of getting no errands accomplished, I felt well enough to do a load of laundry. Yay, me. I don't have to work tomorrow (Columbus Day) so I probably will do a few more chores. (But I won't overdo it, haha!)

 This morning I was looking on Twitter (yes, I know it's now called "X") and I saw something very exciting:

Wow! I was trending! With even more posts that Patrick Mahomes!

My excitement was short-lived, however. "Tracy" was referring to a football player named Tyrone Tracy. Apparently he is a running back for the New York Giants. Ho, hum. But still.... Patrick, it was nice trending with you for a little while at least.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dad 735: And the Storms Go On

(Dad writes today. I have a sore throat, but I am counting my blessings. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! A fall day with temps in the 50s. Bright sun as this is written. Surely a great fall day.

I'm watching news of the storm named Milton which will be hitting Florida this evening. Just less than two weeks after the storm Helene that has devastated Florida and is not cleaned up yet. It will be a mess.

It looks like the Milton storm will go through where sister Deb just moved out of. I am trying to reach her in Indy but she must be busy or not answering her phone. I imagine she is happy to be out of Florida.

Things seem to be rolling along here in the Northeast as well as can be expected. We'll continue to go on. Taking life as it comes to us.

Almost one year since Mary Lou has been gone. She is missed!

Done for the day.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, October 6, 2024


Tomorrow we will already be one week into October. Lew put the red door back up in our entryway. The appearance of the red door is a sign that colder days are ahead.

The WORLD Magazine staff members located in the Asheville, NC area are all accounted for. They and their families are safe. But, although it was expected, the loss of life from Helene is much greater than I wrote last Sunday. "Sad" doesn't seem like a strong enough word to describe it.

Despite the tragedy in the South, daily life goes on. Church gatherings, sporting events, work schedules....

Love and prayers to all.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dad 734: Praying After the Hurricane

(Dad writes a brief post today. Yes, praying.... ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another nice fall day in the Northeast. Temps only in the 60s.

Things are proceeding along here in the Northeast. We keep on plugging away day by day.

We sure are fortunate that we don't have the problems that the Southeast now has. I can't imagine what they are dealing with. Praying for their survival.

Tune in next week for another brief encounter.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, September 29, 2024


I've tried to type this post three times, and I'm not sure what to say. Hurricane Helene has done major damage. Loss of life currently is reported to be 84. That number will probably increase.

I have subscribed to WORLD Magazine for many years. Their headquarters is in Asheville, NC, a town that has been devastated by the hurricane. Both of WORLD's buildings have had several feet of flooding. I'm praying that all of their local staff is okay.

So I guess this is what I ultimately should say in this post: Please pray for everyone affected by this storm. Pray for the emergency responders who will be busy in the days ahead. May God grant His peace and comfort to all.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dad 733: The Right Way

(Dad writes today! I also am hoping for things to go the right way on 11/5/2024. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here!

Fall is here. Temps are now down to the 70s and 60s. We are stretching to reach the 70s. (A few days are over 70 degrees. Not many, though!) The leaves are changing colors, even in the Southern Maine area. More color is showing Downeast and up north. Let's accept the fact that "Winter is coming!" I certainly am not ready for winter, but my vote doesn't count. It will arrive in spite of my "not in a hurry" attitude. Bring it on!

Well, I'm still watching the news coverage of the two attempts on Trump's life. I believe God has spared his life so he can help straighten out this country's direction. Let's hope so.

Only six weeks until November 5th. Hope it goes the right way.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Fall Cleaning

For the longest time I have been promising Lew that I would declutter the back room upstairs. This is the room that contains our exercise equipment, a daybed, a long table, some bookshelves, and the pooperia (also known as the kitty litter box area). And it has a lot of extraneous clutter.

I started the declutter project in May — a la "Spring Cleaning" — but I just got back to it this past week.... Efficiency is my middle name, ha ha!

I am not finished yet, but the results are noticeable. It is amazing what can be accomplished in just a few minutes each day.

Happy Fall!
